0BM Analog System

  • Kit includes clear, 0 Bennett movement analogs and 3 different sets of condyle curvature inserts (6°, 16° and 26°).

  • SKU: AR340000

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  • Kit includes clear, 0 Bennett movement analogs and 3 different sets of condyle curvature inserts (6°, 16° and 26°).

  • SKU: AR340000

  • Kit includes clear, 0 Bennett movement analogs and 3 different sets of condyle curvature inserts (6°, 16° and 26°).

  • SKU: AR340000

Mandibular Mounting Plate Spacer
Complete Analog Kit (0.5mm - 2.5mm)
Bite Fork Support
Straight Incisal Pin Module
Incisal Table Assembly